Thursday, 22 February 2007

Beat Bullying in Primary Schools

What are Patterns?
Patterns are solutions to solve reoccurring real life problems within a context. Patterns come into effect when a problem is addressed or identified in our daily lifes. The advantage of having Patterns is overcoming the reinvention of the wheel and reducing reoccurring problems . Beside that it also saves time.

Beat Bullying in Primary Schools

Why does an average bright child becomes target of bullying?

Bullying starts off very early these days in schools. Because a particular child's exam results are good(which are above 75%) and or if the child is active in school curriculum it will automatically highlight the child for being outstanding performer in the classroom. Therefore, the child will either be isolated or picked by his or her classmates who tend to gang up. This is bullying.

The class teacher should promote group studying and activities which encompasses of table points so that every child will take part effectively. This will promote building of confidence and communication and finally reviewing students progress report to understand & compare the study patterns which has been effective to fill the gaps.