Tuesday 3 April 2007

Lecture 06.03.07 Part B - Critiquing Course Work

There are 5 tasks given in the course work and only 4 tasks are to be completed. Each Task is woth 25%. Those task are as follows:

Task 1 - Designing with Patterns
Task 2 - Coding with Patterns
Task 3 - Patterns and Software Development
Task 4 - Critiquing Patterns
Task 5 - Patterns Blog

We are suppose to critize each Task.

In order to complete this task, we have to know UML diagrams. This task imposes force to have good understanding of the fundamental concepts used in object-oriented programming, mainly class diagrams, use case diagrams and sequence diagrams. The 25% marks are allocated according to the understanding and evaluating those patterns.

In this section we are to explore a particular programming language and coding. In order to achieve a working prototype a good knowledge of object oriented programmng language is essiential.

In this task we are exposed to incomplete Pattern designed by someone else and its an oppurtunity toinvestigate and provide a solution to the problem. In order to be in a position to give a solution it is essiential to have suffiecient understanding of the 23 design pattern by GOF.

By critiquing, we are actually given a platform to understand the rationale of a particular topic in more depth, which gives us a chance to explore further and contribute a easier way of putting forward an idea or concept.

In this task we asked to post at least 12 blogs and the 8 best blogs will be choosen for marking pupose. All this blogs created are related to the subject we are learning. Why are we asked do so? Simply, because creating blogs gives an oppurtunity to confidently post their understanding and bring out doubts. Therefore, this learning curve gives one to have an open mind to new ideas and accepting the rejections positively. This is essiential for any evolving area.

The course work is designed for one to understand in overall. Having basic knowledge of object oriented programming language and to further understand the design patterns one will have to further understand the principles of each every pattern as they all have uniqueness of its own. Besides that, confidence, critizing and evaluation is the essential bit of the course work.

1 comment:

John Ssebaale said...

Hi in my view the course seems well balanced for every students both programmers and nonprogrammers. Which I think is good. Good luck with the course work